2 cubic mtr (1,000kg) or 3 cubic mtr (1,500kg) Tipper Truck Loads split wood + Free Kindling & Firelighters
2 cubic mtr (1,000kg) or 3 cubic mtr (1,500kg) Tipper Truck Loads split wood + Free Kindling & Firelighters
Additional information
Wheelie hot wood are now offering tipper truck loads home delivered direct to your door, all deliveries include one 10kg bag of hardwood kindling plus one free box of Firebrand firelighters. Whilst the wood sizing varies slightly than the wood that is used in our wheelie bins, the quality of wood remains the same.
The wood size varies from 6'' to 14'' in length with some chunky pieces along with some smaller pieces. Species can range from Qld vintage red ironbark straight out of Texas to spotted gum, red gum, bloodwood & stringybark etc.
We offer 2 cubic metre deliveries to,
* Casino
* Lismore
* Bangalow
* Alstonville
* Wardell
* Woodburn
* Ballina
* Byron
* Mullum
* Brunswick
* Ocean Shores
2 cubic Mtr Price $350.00 includes Delivery + free kindling & free firelighters.
3 cubic Mtr Price $450.00 includes Delivery + free kindling & free firelighters.
Please Note;
Deliveries North of Ocean Shores to Tweed Heads must be minimum 3 cubic mtr tipper load.
To order Contact or